Energy Settings

Energy Settings #

The Energy Settings lets you customize energy input parameters for calculating the environmental impact of energy use (module B6).

Energy demand can be split into: Heating and Cooling: energy required due to transmission losses and air exchange Electricity: electricity demand for operational and user-related energy use. Exported Energy: Renewable energy supplied/exported to the surrounding energy grid, e.g. from photovoltaic systems.

Advanced Configuration #

Energy use categories #

Category B6.1 B6.2 B6.3
Description Operational and standardized energy use Operational and non-standardized energy use User and usage-related energy use
Examples Heating, warm water, cooling, ventilation, lighting, building automation Elevators, central services like building management systems, fire alarm systems, locking systems and access control systems dishwasher, washing maschine
Energy type Thermal and electrical energy Electrical energy Electrical energy

Some certification systems require a subdivision of energy use into B6.1, B6.2, B6.3 according to EN 15978-1. To be able to read out the subdivision in the results, add the prefix B6.1, B6.2 or B6.3 to the naming of the energy input.

Share of renewable energy #

The renewable energy share values are informational and are required for some certification systems. The values and are not included in the LCA result calculation.

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