LCA datasets

LCA Datasets #

LCA dataset in the context of SURAP refers to a building related datasets with assigned [environmental impacts](English\Databases\General Information\03_LCA Methods\032_LCA The dataset can represents the whole life cycle or a specific [life cycle phase](English\Databases\General Information\03_LCA Methods\033_System of a material (e.g. concrete), a process (e.g. transport) or energy (e.g. electricity).

LCA datasets come from different verified sources listet below. In addition SURAP adds own datasets to complete the list of available data.

The data sources and dataset types are listet below.

Data sources #

EPD Plattforms and SURAP Data #

LCA datasets in the SURAP are received from environmental product declaration (EDP) data providers:

ÖKOBAUDAT Version 2023-I ibu-EPD eco-plattform

For the QNG approach, the table QNG Rechenwerte 2023 Version 1.3 is used.

Additional data are created based ÖKOBAUDAT data (indicated with “ÖKOBAUDAT_SURAP” in the material filter) or by additional calculation (indicated with “SURAP” in the material filter)

Reference service life sources #

Sources of reference service life of building materials are based on:

The information has been carefully selected but may not always reflect the actual conditions of material and product usage. The reference service lives should therefore be checked and adjusted if necessary.

Background datasets #

Background database refers to the life cycle inventory databases the LCA results of a product or process dataset are based on. Common background databases are the (GaBi database) and the (ecoinvent database). As ecoinvent and GaBi use different approaches to modeling, it is recommended to use datasets from one of the background database. The combined use of both background databases should only be used in exceptions.

Datasets types #

Datasets in SURAP can be filtered by dataset types. The follow dataset types are provided:

Specific datasets Manufacturer (company) specific dataset for a product or product group.

Average datasets Average datasets from industry associations, several companies companies or several plants (i.e. on the basis of data on the industrial industrial production of companies).

Representative datasets Data that is representative for a country/region (for example average DE).

Template dataset Unspecific datasets for specific products, created on the basis of a “sample EPD”.

Generic datasets Generic data according to EN 15804 and DIN CEN/TR 15941 - 2010-11 as well as other data not modeled on the basis of industry data (for example based of literature, expert knowledge etc.)