SURAP Footprints

SURAP Footprints #

SURAP created the Footprints database to assess buildings’ climate impact and resource use. The manageable set of indicators makes it easy to assess and communicate climate impact and resource efficiency. SURAP created the included data using the ecoinvent background database.

Life cycle phases #

The following life cycle modulesm in accordance with EN 15978, are available in the SURAP Footprint 2023 database: A1-A3, B4, B6, C3, C4, D1, D2.

Environmental Impact Indicators #

Abbrev. Indicator Unit
GWP Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq.
PENRT Total use of non renewable primary energy resources MJ
RMI Raw Material Input kg raw material
TMR Total Material Requirement kg primary material
WDP Water Depletion Potential m³ world eq.

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