Level(s) reporting

Level(s) Reporting #

The Level(s) approach is adapted to the Level(s) European reporting framework for sustainable buildings. It uses Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) according to EN15804+A2.

This approach can also be used for other certifications that accept the Level(s) system, e.g. within the category LEED BD+C: New Construction of the LEED certification system (Leed v4.1).

Life cycle phases #

The following life cycle modules, in accordance with EN 15978, are available in the SURAP Level(s) database: A1-A3, A4, A5, B4, B6, C1, C2, C3, C4, D1, D2.

Environmental Impact Indicators #

Abbrev. Indicator Unit
GWP_total Global Warming Potential, total kg CO2-eq.
GWP_fossil Global Warming Potential, fossil kg CO2-eq.
GWP_biogenic Global Warming Potential, biogenic kg CO2-eq.
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential kg CFC 11 eq.
POCP Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential kg NMVOC-Eq
AP Acidification Potential mol H+-Eq
EP_freshwater Eutrophication Potential, aquatic freshwater kg P-eq.
EP_marine Eutrophication Potential, aquatic marine kg N-eq.
EP_terrestrial Eutrophication Potential Mole of N eq.
PENRT Total use of non renewable primary energy resources MJ
PERT Total use of renewable primary energy resources MJ
ADPE Abiotic depletion potential - non-fossil resources kg Sb-eq.
ADPF Abiotic depletion potential - fossil resources MJ
WDP Use of net fresh water

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