DGNB Certification

DGNB Certification #

The SURAP DGNB approach is adapted to the DGNB certification (Version 2018 and 2023). It uses Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and generic Data from ÖKOBAUDAT.

Life cycle phases #

The following life cycle modules, in accordance with EN 15978, are available in the SURAP DGNB database: A1-A3, B4, B6, C3, C4, D1, D2.

Environmental Impact Indicators, DNGB Version 2018 #

Abbrev. Indicator Unit
GWP Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq.
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential kg CFC 11 eq.
POCP Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential kg C2H2 eq.
AP Acidification Potential kg SO2-eq.
EP Eutrophication Potential kg (PO4)3-eq.
PENRT Total use of non renewable primary energy resources MJ
PERT Total use of primary energy resources MJ
ADPE Abiotic depletion potential - non-fossil resources MJ
ADPF Abiotic depletion potential - fossil resources kg Sb-Äqv.
FW Use of net fresh water

Environmental Impact Indicators, DNGB Version 2023 #

Abbrev. Indicator Unit
GWP Global Warming Potential kg CO2-eq.
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential kg CFC 11 eq.
POCP Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential kg C2H2 eq.
AP Acidification Potential kg SO2-eq.
EP Eutrophication Potential kg (PO4)3-eq.
PENRT Total use of non renewable primary energy resources MJ
PERT Total use of primary energy resources MJ

In the new DGNB version (2023), credits can be obtained by calculating the GWP-fossil values of the manufacturing phase. To calculate the GWP-fossil according to EN15804+A2, please use the level(s) approach within SURAP.

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