Data sources

Data sources #

EPD Plattforms #

LCA datasets in the SURAP are received from environmental product declaration (EDP) data providers:

For the QNG approach, the table QNG Rechenwerte 2023 Version 1.3 is used.

SURAP Data #

Additional EPD data are created by SURAP GmbH on the basis of the ISO 14040/14044 and EN 15804 standards. The SURAP-native data is marked with “SURAP” in the “Data source” filter.

Reference service life #

A product’s reference service life is the product’s expected life span. Default values of reference service life of building materials in SURAP base on:

TThe information has been carefully selected but may not always reflect the actual material and product usage conditions. Therefore, the reference service lives should be checked and adjusted if necessary.

Background databases #

Background database refers to the life cycle inventory databases the LCA results of a product or process dataset are based on. Common background databases are the (GaBi database) and the (ecoinvent database). As ecoinvent and GaBi use different modeling approaches, using datasets from one of the background databases is recommended. The combination of both background databases should only be done in exceptions.